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Around 145 countries have or are considering net zero targets, covering about 90% of global emissions, many have set the deadline for 2050. To help achieve the 2050 target the UK government has made a series of ambitious pledges. These include.

*Achieving fully “clean” electricity by 2035.

*Making 80% of new cars zero emission by 2030.

*Rapidly increasing wind, solar and nuclear power.

*Capturing and storing between 20-30 million tonnes of CO2 annually by 2030.

* Installing 600,000 electric heat pumps a year by 2028.

Plastic currently accounts for 7% of global greenhouse gases and is set to rise to 19% by 2040. That’s 8 times more impact that the aviation industry! So why is the reduction of plastic not a primary focus?

The Labour government say they are committed to creating a roadmap to a zero-waste economy and accelerate the path to net zero- so let’s explore their key initiatives on plastic reduction.

*Plastic Packaging Tax 2022.

*Single use plastic ban on certain items.

*Eliminate avoidable waste by 2042.

*Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) – increase recycling rates.

*Plastic Waste Export Restrictions

*Deposit return Scheme

Having identified the plastic concerns in commercial kitchens, these initiatives are a great start, but we really need to strengthen regulations, invest in infrastructure, encourage innovation, expand the single use plastic ban and educate consumers.

Reducing plastic is seen as one piece of the puzzle but it could potentially play a more pivotal role in cutting emissions.




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